Charloft- Tuesday- One truth, one lie

Mar 21, 2010 02:14

1. I've slept only a grand total of five nights since the year started.

2. I can predict anyone's death within a day of accuracy.

lie, charloft, truth

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movetheearth March 21 2010, 10:13:31 UTC
Seriously? You put these two choices up for a truth and lie? Martini these aren't exactly easy for people to pick between... especially when number two can make people feel. Well. You know. Awkward.

If you catch my drift.


time_schizo March 21 2010, 10:25:19 UTC
That's the whole point! Besides, I was feeling petulant and not in a mood to be charitable towards people's lack of intelligence when I wrote these out.

So are you going to guess, or just wait for someone else to?


movetheearth March 21 2010, 10:34:31 UTC
Do you ever feel charitable?

Aww hell... you want me to pick? If I pick wrong you are going to sulk with me and don't try and deny that fact. We both know that is a truth.

I'm fairly sure that one is a lie and two is the truth because you've apparently saved my future ass more times than can be counted. Though technically I only have your word for it. And also in regards to option number one, one of those times you happened to have slept was due to a minor misunderstanding on my part over the quantity of drugs you should be allowed to take.



time_schizo March 21 2010, 19:36:45 UTC
Upon occasion. But stupid people annoy the hell out of me. And there's a lot of stupid people in the world.

Hmmm. I'm tempted to tell you if you're right or wrong, but then that might spoil it for anyone else who might wanna venture a guess. And must you keep reminding me of that almost OD? It's not funny! I may need to sulk just for that.


movetheearth March 21 2010, 20:47:11 UTC
Fine sulk away. I'm not going to keep apologising for making a mistake.

Ugh whatever! I don't care if I'm right or wrong anyway!

You gonna tell me now?


time_schizo March 21 2010, 21:40:45 UTC
You never apologize, whether you're wrong or right, you stubborn ass!

Quit acting like such a girl, Julia!

You got it right. I haven't slept five days. I've slept six.


movetheearth March 21 2010, 22:43:15 UTC
I always apologise! YOU never say sorry unless you think it'll win me over and get you out of trouble mister!

I'm not the girl Martina!

Sometimes it scares me how powerful you really are.


time_schizo March 21 2010, 23:03:13 UTC
What can I say? I'm stubborn to a fault.

Oh yes you are. You have about as many moods swings as one!

Be glad I'm fairly content most of the time. You should see what happened to one of my exes.*Grins evilly.*


movetheearth March 21 2010, 23:14:00 UTC
Yeah as stubborn as a mule and just as handsome as one too for that matter.

Fuck. Off. I am NOT a girl!

Not funny Mark! It really does scare me sometimes because you really could just end my life like that *snaps fingers* if I was ever stupid enough to really piss you off.


time_schizo March 21 2010, 23:24:06 UTC
You're about as handsome as the jackass you're being.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

Having a healthy dose of fear is probably a good thing. Don't break my heart, and I'll never have a reason to hurt you, Ric. And FYI, I wasn't joking about my ex.


movetheearth March 21 2010, 23:32:47 UTC
Takes one to know one sweetheart.

Whatever! I'm the bread-winner in this relationship, just remember that.

This fear thing is a little unbalanced mind you! I've no intention of breaking your heart but it would seem you hold all the cards in your hands. *Dawns on him how true that really is.* Fuck I am screwed. And dare I ask what exactly you did to your ex?


time_schizo March 21 2010, 23:46:56 UTC
Whatever, dude.

Of course, honey bunch.

*Snickers.* You're cute when terrified. To answer, I caught him in bed with some other guy. I was merciful enough to not kill 'em outright, but they're currently in a senior's rest home down in Santa Monica. Got two, maybe three more years to live.


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