May 27, 2010 21:31
Two unrelated topics.
Apparently "Shown by appointment only" isnt' enough to keep people off my property. I used to give the dogs free run of the entrance, but I can't since the house is for sale - someone might come with an agent.
But I have to do something. Twice I've come home and the back gate was open (I didn't check before I let my dogs out of their run). Once I've come home and someone closed a gate and kept the horse from his water. Four times I've found the shed doors open - dangerous because the horse's fee is in there and he could overeat, collic, and die - or god forbid the donkey eat the grain and founder again! And now this thing with the chickens ... this all started when the house went on the market.
I currently feel like posting "Any creature that is trespassing will be shot" but that's not good for sales. (and don't tell the quakers I said that.)
Professional societies - I just joined the local chapter after many years of procrastinating and being cheap. But... I hate to sound miserly.... but these days, they are charging you to attend the meetings. They charge you to get access to the salary database. They no longer send you print copies of the journals, you have to pay for that. (I'm ok with that, though. Print less! Put it online!)
Even though I wasn't a member years ago, I used to do a lot of volunteer work for them, and I don't remember people being charged for everything. Is this normal with most societies?