
Apr 12, 2004 18:20

another update!! lucky everyone! i stole this from my sar because its cuteness.

what's your initials? aet
2. do you like blueberries? i'm partial to blueberries but strawberry is where its at
3. did you have a "blankie" when you were little? still have one ::snuggles::
4. have you ever superglued any body parts together? no but this one time i superglued my foot to the floor resulting in a trip to the emergency room. true story.
5. have you cried over a cartoon? yeah. road runner. that damn bird.
6. what did you name your teddy bear? beary no eyes
7. would you rather wear sunglasses or a hat?sunglasses unless i'm pretending to be a secret agent then its sunglasses and a hat. yep.
8. if you had to would you rather swim with sharks, have a clown painted face for a month or jump in a cement truck (full of cement.. duh)? i'm scared of clowns.
9. did you ever kiss a frog to see if it would change into a prince? nope but i'm pretty sure i made tom do something along those lines when we were kids. i was nice like that.
10. do you prefer polka dots or stripes? polka dots.
11. what cartoon villian did you hate the most? the bad guy on wacky races or the pink panther.
12. did you cry on your first day of school (hope thats not too personal for you.. lol)? no but this girl in my class did and she held onto her mothers leg and made a scene.
13. do you have socks on rite now? no because my feet don't like to be restricted.
14. do you prefer nike, adidas or sketchers? flip-flops biotch.
15. if you were a marker what color would you want to be? i wouldn't want to be a marker. i'd want to be one of those crazy scented crayon things.yeah. mac and cheeseeeeeeeee!!
16. have you ever tried to dye your hair a certain color and it turned blue or purple or pink or something like that? of course cause i'm silly like that. i tried burgundy and ended up with this purple/red/blonde/mush mash of ugly.
17. what was the worst april fools prank ever pulled on you or that you pulled on someone? i'm scared.
18. what song has made you really laugh before? that song about peaches. because peaches make me laugh.
19. what was the weirdest thing you've seen someone do in a car (total stranger)? i've seen a menagire of crazy things on road trips from the simple picking of the nose to air guitar while attempting to drum on the steering wheel.
20. if you had to eat (an animal) something raw what would it be? i made tom eat bugs once i think.but i'd never like gnaw on a cow leg.
21. has a policeman/fireman ever freaked you out, if so by doing what? every year of elementary school. freaking guy with the presentation about fire safety. let me tell you i did NOT rest easy at all during those years.
22. do you like the color of your eyes? yeah but i'm not sure what color they really are. if you look close they're actually green.
23. when you get really excited or happy, do you do anything really funny (or crazy)? i make weird facial expressions and stuff.
24. what's your greatest multi talent? i'm un multitaskable
25. where was your first kiss? probably 2nd grade coat closet.
26. what's the most recent word that you can remember that you learned what it meant? insurgent
27. have you ever broken your left leg? no but i broke my right elbow.full arm cast.
28. do like playing ping pong? no but forest gump does.
29. do you like knee socks or ankle socks better? no socks
30. are you any good at doing "accents" and if yes, which one(s)?none. cassie tried to show me how but i fail.
31. whats the weirdest or funniest nickname someone has called you? sugar tits
32. have you ever been pushed in a pool (or lake or whatever) with all your clothes on, if so by who? no but i fell in the lake once.
33. what is your favorite kind of candy (candybar whatever)?those real fruit fruit snacks and i seperate them and everyone finds it odd.
34. do you remember where your first vacation was out of the city you live in, if so where? vermont or something.
35. if you had the option where would you rather live: australia
36. did you ever swear at a ref at a tennis match? no? actually i did once.
37. who is your oldest cousin's name? sarah
38. do you enjoy the pleasure of cutting things with scissors? yeah lol. like in little pieces.
39. what was the naistiest drink you have ever tasted? smirnoff ice. can you say sugar water?
40. what is your favorite Bible verse? psalm 28 because my nana made this sewing thing and it used to hang on my wall. and it makes me cry.
41. does your first name start with an "R"? no but it should
42. do you have a fireplace at your house? yeah but we never use it
43. have you ever ate play dough? i prefer the red to the blue
44. do you remember your first grade teacher's name, if so what? mrs.q<33333333333333
45. if were given 5 right now and had to spend it right now, what would you spend it on? a pack of newports
46. what was the weirdest thing you have worn in a picture? in this one class picture you can actually see my undies.
47. do have a james bond movie at your house?i hate him with a passion.
48. have you gotten sunburned in the last three months? right now i look like a tomato
49. who is your history hero?
50. do you like cucumbers and carrots? yeppers.
51. have you ever driven a go-cart? i think i got in trouble yeah.
52. does cigarette smoke make you sick? i'm a social smoker.
53. has your house ever been robbed? no
54. if a new planet was found at the end of the solar system and you were asked to name it, what would you name it?your momma
55. did you ever do one of those "do-it-yourself" gingerbread houses? yeah but mine kinda ended up looking like a pile of mased up candy and icing.
56. have you ever danced to that disco music with the disco light? you bet your patootie i have.
57. are you any good at mouthing to music? mouthing?
58. what superpower would you want if you could get one?x-ray eyes.yeah baby.
59. do you like your hair style rite now (or hair cut whatever)?i guess. it doesn't really have one its like ehhh.
60. have you ever read a book longer than 400 pages? yep.
61. last saturday did you go out or stay home?went out. got trashed.
62. do you have more trouble lighting candles or cutting up vegetables? candles. i always burn myself/and or set something on fire.
63. in front of your mirror, do you use weird things as a microphone or make up your own routines? who doesn't. i swear one day i was like donna summer in her hey day!
64. do you like fruitloops? i'm fruit loopy
65. would you rather get a tatoo or an earring? a tatoo but i'm scared of needles like woah.
66. what channel do you watch the most? noggin
67. have you read green eggs and ham to a sibling or cousin before? yes and in child development we made green eggs and ham. hotness.
68. do you know how to whistle? i try. but i just end up looking stupid.
69. if you could be a movie star, what kind of movies would you want to play in the most? some horror film and i'd be the chick that runs until she drops her keys/breaks her leg.
70. do you wish animals could talk? they do. shhh don't tell.
71. have you ever been to iowa and kentucky in the same trip? they're near each i used to.
73. have you cried over burnt cookies? no but i burnt them once when i crazy glued my foot to the floor. and this one time i didn't know you couldn't use baking powder as baking soda and they went soupy.
74. do you like your smile? i have the greatest smile. ever.
75. did you lend any money today? i always lend money. people hit me up all the time because they know i can't say no.
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