Is ALL British food soggy and bland or did that restaurant I went to just suck?
('C. All of the above' is also an appropriate answer.)
Well, the chips were pretty good. I'll give them that. And the atmosphere was actually really nice (if a bit dark).
But seriously, how do you ruin chicken tenders?
No, no, scratch that. How the hell do you make honey mustard bland and soggy?! I mean, honey mustard isn't supposed to be bland, and seeing as how it's a liquid, I thought it was impossible to make it soggy. You have to be trying REALLY HARD to somehow screw it up that badly.
But I think part of the reason I got so annoyed throughout the whole thing was because our server sat us directly in front of the giant, HD, flat-screen TV, which was playing...Fox News.
FOX. NEWS. (The blurb in the menu said that the restaurant was aiming for "Scottish and Irish, with a bit of local flavor." (Don't worry, England and Wales were represented too.) I guess by "local" they meant "Republican," because there sure wasn't any local flavor in the food...)
The DJ also played songs from Broadway musicals constantly (I'm pretty sure it's because of our school's chorus being there. Fact: All high school chorus students love musicals. Seriously. Never met one who doesn't. Including myself.). That in itself is actually quite a good thing, you don't hear too many musicals in restaurants, except for the fact that he was playing the songs EXTRAORDINARILY LOUDLY SO WE HAD TO SHOUT EVERYTHING AND MY DAD WHO HAS BAD HEARING STILL COULDN'T HEAR US, BUT ON THE PLUS SIDE, IT MEANT WE COULD COMPLAIN ABOUT THE FOOD WITHOUT THE WAITRESSES HEARING US.
On a lighter note, I'm constantly amused by the fact that my dad still can't seem to figure out the difference between Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. Like, last year, I went to see Jon Stewart do stand-up live. (Very funny, btw. Although my companion thought he was "too politicky" and "too Jew-y".) When I told him, he asked me " he still running for president?" ("Uhh...wrong person, Dad. That was the other guy.")
And then tonight Fox was airing something about the inauguration and I essentially repeated a joke I heard on the Colbert Report. (I even began it with "About the, I was watching the Colbert Report...") My dad replied with, "Oh, that's from the Jon Colbert show?" ("His name's Stephen Colbert." "Same thing.")