SPD Headquarters, Newtech City, THE FUTURE, Sunday

Dec 27, 2009 15:37

Maybe she was just imagining things, and if she was she'd blame it on being punchy; after all, there was no reason at all her thoughts should keep drifting toward Corinth City and something that hadn't even happened yet. She hadn't gone home for Christmas -- that was still difficult logistically -- and had volunteered to work a double shift on Christmas Day just so Z wouldn't be the only one working on the holiday. It'd really thrown off her sleep pattern, so Jen was still pretty disoriented today.

Still, she could have sworn she'd felt a weird pulse of . . . something coming from the Chronomorpher on her wrist. Running it through tests on all the machinery she had at her disposal in the labs had turned up nothing, and it was fully functional, but it was really hard to ignore the sensation, however brief, of the Morphing Grid's energy building to a crescendo and somehow, distressingly, just . . . flickering out.

No, she had to be imagining things. If anything had happened in the Morphing Grid, SPD systems would have detected it.

Still, Jen thought, leaning back on a couch in one of the common rooms and closing her eyes, she couldn't help the feeling that somewhere, somehow, something had happened. It was just the vaguest feeling of finality, and she couldn't put a finger on it.

[OOC: Largely establishy, because I had to do something to commemorate the end of an era as yesterday's Power Rangers RPM finale marks quite possibly the last show ever for the franchise. But what a hell of a damn good show for it to go out on. Open for reactions by other Newtechians too, though, if they so wish.]

newtech city, spd

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