OOC: Infodump Post, the "Because I'm Having a Slow Work Day" Version

May 08, 2008 09:15

Not that I have any new characters this round, but, y'know, the updated Cliffs Notes version, in pseudo-bullet points. Not much new stuff here for Jen and Anders, just a few tweaks for easy reference, but I hadn't done one of these for Lacey previously, so . . .

Samuel T. Anders

- Fandom: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
- Year: Alumnus
- Is pre-canon, currently about ten years before the Cylons obliterate the Colonies of Kobol.
- Goes by Anders; does not like being called Sam although he's slowly learning to tolerate it, but hates being called Samuel.
- Fairly easygoing jock; plays Pyramid but has developed an affinity for baseball.
- Tends to make and share cupcakes in large quantities.
- In a relationship with fellow alumni Belthazor/Cole Turner (demonbelthazor) and Phoebe Halliwell (future_visions).
- Best friends with Bridge Carson.
- Is a human-form Cylon, but doesn't and won't ever know it in this time. As such, he:
- Is resistant or immune to most if not all standard human diseases.
- Has above-average physical strength and endurance, which he attributes to being in good athletic condition.
- Occasionally hears "All Along the Watchtower" in his head, even if there's other music or none at all playing.

- Has picked up solid, if basic and non-flashy, small firearms and swordfighting skills.
- Is likely to get along with you pretty well, unless you're Veronica Mars, Chris Halliwell, Piper Halliwell, or Johnny Storm.
- Is totally cuter than Marco.

Jennifer (Jen) Scotts

- Fandom: Power Rangers Time Force (Best PR season EVAR OMG)
- Year: Senior
- Somewhat hotheaded and a little uptight.
- Police officer from the year 3000, currently officially on special assignment. Technically? On the run.
- Still has Ranger powers; can morph into pink spandex-wearing, helmeted superhero type. Won't exactly be doing so at the drop of a hat.
- Decent with a blaster; good at hand-to-hand.
- Broke off her engagement to Alex Drake (her temporarily-dead, resurrected-due-to-timestream-wonk fiancé) when she went back in time to rescue Wes Collins (his exact lookalike and likely genetic donor), whom she'd fallen in love with but then had to leave behind when she went back to her own time.
- Is, as a result of the previous item, extremely sexually frustrated.
- Never goes around without a fairly conspicuous device strapped to her left wrist (see icon).
- Comes from a futuristic "utopia" that is actually kind of really creepy, on account of all humans being genetically engineered before birth and the complete lack of junk food.
- As such, has a strong dislike/distrust of mutants, who in her universe are the result of botched genetic engineering, get MASSIVELY SEVERELY AND UNIVERSALLY ostracized, and typically turn to crime.*

- Is not likely to be too friendly or trusting right off, but will come around eventually unless you do something to really piss her off.
- Will hold a grudge forever against anyone who gets on her bad side severely enough.
- Is going to have ever so much fun when both the Came Back Wrong ex-fiance and the younger version of her would-have-been-boyfriend-if-one-of-them-had-spoken-the-hell-up show up.


* - TF-era mutants look pretty goofy grotesque, so she's not likely to think you're one. Except maybe the Ninja Turtles, 'cause, well. She will be learning, slowly, to get over this.

Lacey Burrows

- Fandom: Corner Gas
- Status: Townie; runs Luke's Diner
- Toronto native who moved to the tiny town of Dog River, Saskatchewan, right smack in the middle of the Canadian prairies and "forty kilometres from nowhere," to take over her deceased aunt's diner.
- Got sent to Fandom because the editor of the Dog River Howler got completely sick of her trying to insinuate herself onto the paper's staff and "improve" things, and duped her into thinking she was going on vacation.
- Related to the above, is likely to try and nose in and "improve" things for you, too. (If you're up for that!) She constantly claims to know how to do things when she really doesn't; this is how she "deals" with her self-esteem issues.
- Has a tendency to think any guy who's being friendly to her has a crush on her.
- Has a massive phobia about balloons.
- Is, by turns, sarcastic, ditzy, or very sweet, but quite frequently rather gullible.
- Is an absolutely terrible liar, and you can tell when she's lying because she gets all flustered, stammers a lot, and sometimes contradicts her own story.

And I should probably add a note here about interaction with Lacey. Every now and then, when I can find a place to work it in, there'll be little "flash-cut" fantasy sequences. Here's a couple of examples. This is a canon Corner Gas thing; I just do it because it amuses me. Now, mostly, this is just a fun way of illustrating what's going on in Lacey's imagination or contradicting some claim of hers, although occasionally -- and I'll try and make this clear when it happens -- the flash-cuts will happen as a goofy shorthand way of Lacey speculating out loud, in which case you'd be more than welcome to react.

Conner McKnight

- Fandom: Power Rangers Dino Thunder
- Status: Alumnus
- Former Red Dino/Triassic Ranger. This identity is not secret at Fandom to anyone who knew him while he was here, thanks to a mishap involving him getting his powers back temporarily and being stuck in his Ranger suit for a week.
- Soccer player.
- His dumb-jock reputation is well-deserved, but he's really a bit smarter than he lets on.
- Dating Gwynn Hood (notafairmaiden), who is not a doppelganger for, but bears a striking resemblance to, his friend Kira Ford who's currently in New York trying to make it in music.
- Spent a couple of months as a rebound fling for Anders*. Hates being reminded of it.
- Possesses the power of super speed thanks to the Dino Gem that once gave him his Ranger powers.
- No longer has said powers, having (along with his teammates) drained the Dino Gems completely to defeat Mesogog. Still wears the Dino Gem bracelet, though.

* - Because CERTAIN PEOPLE AND YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE deluged me with IMs encouraging this when I'd hinted at it as a joke, and it kept going. Because it was pretty.

. . . let's pretend I did all my copy/pasting right the first time, shall we? Yes. Good.

info, ooc

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