OOC: Quick and (Not Really) Dirty Info Post, Spring 2008 Edition

Jan 04, 2008 11:31

Hey all, Shanie here with the Cliffs Notes (yeah, yeah, I know Sparks Notes are more the thing these days, but I'm old-school, yo) rundown on my current mix of characters, and no OOC icon on this account as of yet, oops. Usually I get all tl;dr with these things, so I'm taking a cue from multiplez and going for the bullet points.

Samuel T. Anders

- Fandom: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
- Year: Senior
- Goes by Anders; does not like being called Sam, but hates being called Samuel.
- Fairly easygoing jock; plays Pyramid but has developed an affinity for baseball.
- Involved with alumni Belthazor/Cole Turner (demonbelthazor) and Phoebe Halliwell (future_visions).
- Best friends with Bridge Carson.
- Is a human-form Cylon, but doesn't and won't know it. As such, he:
- Is resistant or immune to most if not all standard human diseases.
- Has above-average physical strength and endurance, which he attributes to being in good athletic condition.
- Occasionally hears "All Along the Watchtower" in his head, even if there's other music or none at all playing. Also has it as a ringtone because I think I'm funny.

- Has picked up solid, if basic and non-flashy, small firearms and swordfighting skills.
- Is likely to get along with you pretty well, unless you're Veronica Mars, Chris Halliwell, Piper Halliwell, or Johnny Storm.
- Is totally cuter than Marco.

Jennifer (Jen) Scotts

- Fandom: Power Rangers Time Force (Best PR season EVAR OMG)
- Year: Junior
- Somewhat hotheaded and a little uptight.
- Police officer from the year 3000, currently officially on special assignment. Technically? On the run.
- Still has Ranger powers; can morph into pink spandex-wearing, helmeted superhero type. Won't exactly be doing so at the drop of a hat.
- Decent with a blaster; good at hand-to-hand.
- Broke off her engagement to her temporarily-dead, resurrected-due-to-timestream-wonk fiancé when she fell in love with his exact lookalike (possibly genetic donor) from a thousand years in the past, then had to leave him behind when she went back to her own time.
- Never goes around without a fairly conspicuous device* strapped to her left wrist (see icon).
- Comes from a futuristic "utopia" that is actually kind of really creepy, on account of all humans being genetically engineered before birth and the complete lack of junk food.**
- As such, has a strong dislike/distrust of mutants, who in her universe are the result of botched genetic engineering, get MASSIVELY SEVERELY AND UNIVERSALLY ostracized, and typically turn to crime.***

- Is not likely to be too friendly or trusting right off, but will come around eventually unless you do something to really piss her off.
- Will hold a grudge forever against anyone who gets on her bad side severely enough.

* - A device. Not Anathema Device. That would be awkward.
** - It's the lack of junk food that honestly disturbs me more.
*** - TF-era mutants look pretty goofy grotesque, so she's not likely to think you're one. Except maybe the Ninja Turtles, 'cause, well. She will be learning, slowly, to get over this.


- Fandom: Hedwig and the Angry Inch (movie and stage show)
- Status: Townie; runs Luke's Diner
- Jewish drag queen from the former Yugoslavia.
- Divorced husband of and former backup vocalist/roadie/punching bag for FTM transsexual washed-up glam rocker Hedwig Schmidt.
- Can talk (in heavily accented broken sentences). Generally chooses not to.
- Does Not Like You. Unless you're Tinker Bell or show an aptitude for drag.

- Fandom: Power Rangers Dino Thunder
- Status: Alumnus
- Former Red Dino/Triassic Ranger. This identity is not secret at Fandom.
- Soccer player.
- His dumb-jock reputation is well-deserved, but he's really a bit smarter than he lets on.
- Dating Gwynn Hood (notafairmaiden), who bears a striking resemblance to his friend Kira Ford back home in Reefside, California.
- Spent a couple of months as a rebound fling for Anders*. Hates being reminded of it.
- Possesses the power of super speed thanks to the Dino Gem that once gave him his Ranger powers.
- No longer has said powers, having (along with his teammates) drained the Dino Gems completely to defeat Mesogog. Still wears the Dino Gem bracelet, though.

* - Because CERTAIN PEOPLE AND YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE deluged me with IMs encouraging this when I'd hinted at it as a joke, and it kept going. Because it was pretty.

The longer, rambly, and not quite as up to date version of the above info can be found in this old post.

And one quick note/request, particularly for those of you at the welcome picnic, on behalf of my new girl Jen. See, she's got these funky future-tech visual scanner shades that scan for energy signatures and mutant DNA. Which of course means that, were they working properly, they'd be going nuts all over Fandom. So, for our purposes, the visual scanners took damage during her trip through the time vortex and might not properly identify mutant DNA from other dimensions.

If she's actually wearing the scanners, it'll be specified in the narrative. She will not pick up on any readings from your character unless you've given it the okay for that specific interaction. If you've got a character in the welcome picnic posts who might set off the scanners and would like her to notice something, could you ping here and let me know? She won't confront you, she's just trying to get a sense of her surroundings.

info, ooc

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