tonight i wrote an article on stalking over the internet.
in it i used official sounding sentences with statistics.
here are some examples:
In a cyberstalking study report released in August 1999, the U.S. Department of Justice estimated there may be as many as 475,000 online victims each year. With its elusive nature, cyberstalking allows stalkers to hide behind the anonymity of the internet, making the criminals hard to catch. Anti-cyberstalking groups, such as Working to Halt Online Abuse (WHOA), SafetyEd, and CyberAngels estimate receiving up to 400 requests for help each week from cyberstalking victims. With over 20,000 reported cases each year, the majority of those go uncharged.
then i came home. went for a pleasant walk, went home and had
The1KidGorgeous: I leave tomorrow
The1KidGorgeous: :-\
janelle 2 2 0: boo.
janelle 2 2 0: to where?
The1KidGorgeous: Georgia
The1KidGorgeous: army training
janelle 2 2 0: boo.
The1KidGorgeous: well
The1KidGorgeous: I know
The1KidGorgeous: now, we wont meet
The1KidGorgeous: well, at least
janelle 2 2 0: not ever. never say never
The1KidGorgeous: not until christmas
The1KidGorgeous: we could write!
janelle 2 2 0: writing is fun.
The1KidGorgeous: really?
The1KidGorgeous: would you?
janelle 2 2 0: keep in mind. i smoke pot and foget to do things. writing letters is a lot of steps.
The1KidGorgeous: oh man
The1KidGorgeous: yeah
The1KidGorgeous: so you wont, will you?
janelle 2 2 0: maybe
The1KidGorgeous: okay
The1KidGorgeous: I will write you...
The1KidGorgeous: if you write back
The1KidGorgeous: you will get another letter
The1KidGorgeous: and so on, so forth
The1KidGorgeous: etc...
The1KidGorgeous: gimme your mailing address
janelle 2 2 0: no man. this is the internet
janelle 2 2 0: i wrote an article about this earlier tonight.statistics would blow your mind.
The1KidGorgeous: lemme see?
The1KidGorgeous: well..
The1KidGorgeous: I dunno what mine would be yet
The1KidGorgeous: so....
The1KidGorgeous: I guess...I dunno
janelle 2 2 0: good luck. you will probbly be online sometime.
The1KidGorgeous: christmas time
janelle 2 2 0: im in colorado
The1KidGorgeous: whoa
The1KidGorgeous: right now?
janelle 2 2 0: for christmas
The1KidGorgeous: ohhhhh
The1KidGorgeous: wow
The1KidGorgeous: nice
janelle 2 2 0: well. dont let them kill you for a silly cause
The1KidGorgeous: I wont
The1KidGorgeous: I am not into that
The1KidGorgeous: by the time I can actually go to war...
The1KidGorgeous: bush will be ousted
janelle 2 2 0: war is always going on
The1KidGorgeous: I know
The1KidGorgeous: but I dont want to fight for oil.
The1KidGorgeous: but I would fight for other reasons
janelle 2 2 0: how do you even know the reason you are actually fighting for
The1KidGorgeous: you never do
The1KidGorgeous: but I was about to say
The1KidGorgeous: like for my friends
janelle 2 2 0: but you are leaving your friends to go fight for the army
The1KidGorgeous: not true
The1KidGorgeous: I would never leave my friend
The1KidGorgeous: s
The1KidGorgeous: I am going to get money to become a teacher
The1KidGorgeous: I want to become an english teacher!
janelle 2 2 0: that should be fun
The1KidGorgeous: yeah
The1KidGorgeous: I love reading and writing
janelle 2 2 0: good. just dont die first
The1KidGorgeous: I wont! (I will try at least)
friendster lost to army. stalking avoided. adieu.