Title: Through The StormAuthor:
stillbrainfriedCharacters: Nine/Rose, Donna Noble, Jackie Tyler, alt!Pete Tyler, Mickey Smith, Jake Simmonds, Jack Harkness, a couple of original characters
Rating: Adult
Genre: Adventure, Angst, Romance, Reunion (does that count as a genre?)
Beta: The fantastic
jer832, who made me finish this fic. As always, all mistakes are mine.
Disclaimer: I own nothing you recognise.
Summary: On Darlig Ulv Stranden, Rose Tyler had promised herself that she would have a fantastic life, and she desperately hoped that her leather-clad Doctor would do the same. Meanwhile, in the original universe, the Doctor finds a redhead in a wedding dress in his TARDIS. A Nine/Rose Doomsday AU set in the same universe as
Wings of Gold, with Donna and Jack along for the ride.
A/N: This is it. The final chapter. After seven and a half years (or if you're going to include WoG, almost eight) it's finally done. And I hope this chapter makes up for the last, at least a bit.
Previous Chapters (
Final Chapter )