Title: If I could turn back the hands of time
stillbrainfriedCharacters: Rose Tyler, Romana II, the Doctor (Duplicate 10th), Harriet Jones and as special guest: Nine
Genre: Action/adventure, alternate universe, fluff, angst, humor
Rating: Teen
Beta (for the epilogue and the last two chapters - the rest of this fic is unbeta'd):
jer832. As always, all remaining mistakes are mine.
Summary: Fifteen years after Journey's End, Rose Tyler questions her life in the alternate universe when an unfamiliar person steps out of a familiar Police Public Call Box in an unfamiliar colour. When Earth is threatened, Rose and Romana team up to save the planet from yet another alien invasion and persuade a certain human-Time Lord-metacrisis to swap a professor's tweed jacket (just kidding - about the jacket) for a familiar blue suit and brown coat again...
Previous chapters (
Epilogue )