Kindred Spirits [Fanfiction - Completed]

Mar 13, 2015 20:53

Title: Kindred Spirits
Author: ErtheChilde
Character/Pairing: Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler
Rating: Teen
Summary: With their misadventure on Velopssi behind them, the Doctor finds he's been given a second chance to strengthen his friendship with Rose Tyler. When the TARDIS lands them in ancient Rome instead of back at the Powell Estates, both of them make discoveries about themselves and come to a mutual conclusion.
Disclaimer: This story utilizes characters, situations and premises that are copyright the BBC. No infringement on their respective copyrights pertaining to episodes, novelizations, comics or short stories is intended by the author in any way, shape or form.
Author's Notes: Takes place after The Unquiet Dead , so spoilers up to and including that episode.

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fiction, rose, fic, ninth doctor, ninth doctor fic, fluff, doctor who

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