Worth A Thousand Words [Complete]

Jan 17, 2015 20:10

Title: Worth A Thousand Words
Author: ErtheChilde
Character/Pairing: Nine/Rose
Rating: T
Summary: The Doctor and Rose take a trip into the past to tie up a few loose ends. While dodging secretive agencies, escaping exploding islands and hunting a doomed ship for an alien parasite, they encounter new (and old) faces and adjust to each other as friends and travelling companions.
Disclaimer: I'm sure there's a parallel universe out there where the Doctor and Co. belong to me, but in this one they are the property of the BBC. Alas.
Author's Notes: I am without a beta, so any mistakes are my own.
'I can hear the rusty old cogs in that brain of yours whirring - you want to know what I mean. Should you take her back home? Drop her off into whatever mediocre life you plucked her from? Or is that exactly what I want you to do? Is that how I get to her? Maybe you should keep her close, stick to her like a burr - only that wouldn't do either, because it'll drive her away. It always drives them away when you hold on too closely, Doctor, or don't you remember?'


historical, fiction, fic, adventure, drama, ninth doctor, doctor who, rose, ninth doctor fic

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