Title: Worth A Thousand Words
Author: ErtheChilde
Character/Pairing: Nine/Rose
Rating: T
Summary: The Doctor and Rose take a trip into the past to tie up a few loose ends. While dodging secretive agencies, escaping exploding islands and hunting a doomed ship for an alien parasite, they encounter new (and old) faces and adjust to each other as friends and travelling companions.
Disclaimer: I'm sure there's a parallel universe out there where the Doctor and Co. belong to me, but in this one they are the property of the BBC. Alas.
Author's Notes: I am without a beta, so any mistakes are my own.
"In a few short days, Rose had become the voice of reason in his distressingly empty mind. While that was a relief, it was also mildly terrifying because for the first time in his life, his well-being - if only the mental aspect of it -was wholly dependent on someone else."
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