Title: First Day Back
hidden_n_hotBeta: The ever patient, lovely
10docandrRating: NC17
Pairing: Ten2/Rose (Doctor Who)
Genre: PWP, Standalone within a series
Warnings: Explicit sex, Language, D/s
Words: ~500
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters, I’m just playing with them, in my dreams, they sometimes play with me.
AN1: Part of the Summer Holiday ‘verse which seems to have taken on a life of its own. All good things must come to an end, so must the summer holiday. AN2: Based in 10doc’s cosmos verse. AN3: Comments are happy making, and fic making. AN4: Yes, I know this is ridiculously delayed compared to the rest of the series and that now that it’s November, the summer is well and truly over….but who wouldn’t want to stay on summer holiday in their minds?
Summary: It’s Rose and the Doctor’s first day back from their summer holiday.
End of Summer, this way... )