Fic: The Shining Star

Sep 04, 2013 10:34

Title: The Shining Star
Rating: Teen, but some slightly explicit content and language near the end
Characters: The Doctor (10th), Rose Tyler, The TARDIS
Genres: Humor, Romance, Fluff
Summary: The Doctor meets his most challenging adversary in the form of a psychic ceramic coffee cup. Will he be able to dispose of it before Rose finds out his innermost thoughts and feelings?
Word count: 4243
Chapters: 1/1
Beta: lastincurableromantic/lir1983

The Doctor averted his eyes, wondering if he could successfully propel the cup behind his back, into the incinerator, from his current position. “Of course, I knew that you’d notice! I always say, ‘that Rose Tyler is an impeccable noticer! She’s a regular Sherlock, she is.’ Tell that to everyone I meet - just ask around.”

Rose lifted her left eyebrow and then quickly reached behind the Doctor to make a grab for the cup just as he was about to throw it.

“Ha!” she said, grabbing onto it. But the Doctor was quicker. His grip on the cup tightened, beginning a tug of war between them that he would have found impressive, if not for the pervasive fear he felt of what she might find written on the cup should she win. He jerked her into his body, trying to gain the advantage, and was proud to see the resulting flush to her cheeks. He smirked.

“Take that!” he yelled with a manic grin, because victory seemed a certainty.

Cut to Teaspoon Or if you prefer AO3
thanks for reading :)

humour, tenth doctor fic, rose, fic, romance, tenth doctor, fluff

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