Title: Kalendae.
Author: orange_crushed
Character/Pairing: Doctor/Rose, Susan, Sarah-Jane, Martha, Donna, Amy
Rating: PG
Summary: She doesn't leave him alone again.
Disclaimer: Borrowed inspiration.
Author's Notes: Very, very AU.
(Previous parts:
three, and full fic
at A03 here)
"Back to earth," says Donna. They are sitting on two loungers by an enormous zero-gravity pool complex, owned by Lunar Suites Incorporated. It's almost eleven-thirty in the morning. Donna's informed him- strictly speaking, quite accurately- that it's noon somewhere. He agrees, says that her grasp of space-time is rapidly improving, and she tells him to stop thinking for the love of God. She hands him a daiquiri the size of a punch bowl, and puts on her sunglasses. "I mean it. I can hear those creaky wheels turning in your head." He takes a sip of his drink. It tastes like nuclear fruit and bottled sunshine and illegal Lunorian hyper-spirits.
Kalendae, Part Four.