Title: The Doctor and His Time Ladies
country_whoRating: PG
Word Count (This chapter): 4956
Genre: AU, Action/Adventure
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose, Tenth Doctor, Human Doctor, Rose, Jenny, Jack
Summary: AU Journey's End. Rose gets trapped in the TARDIS instead of Donna and now holds the mind of a Time Lord protected by the Bad Wolf, but what happens when the human Doctor dies, and the Time Lord tries to take her to a planet to get her mind off of him, and fulfill a promise? Does the Doctor have more to lose than gain?
Author's Note: Thanks to
othermewriter who solidified the main ideas swimming in the soup I call my brain.
Catch Up Here:
Chapter 1|
Chapter 2|
Chapter 3|
Chapter 4|
Chapter 5|
Chapter 6|
Chapter 7 Most Recent Chapter:
Chapter 8