Title: The Forgotten Day (1/5) From Girl in the Mirror 'Verse
psyfi_geekgirl BetaBabe:
akkajemo Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose, Twelve, River
Rating: PG-13
Excerpt: “You’re going to regenerate!?!” gaped River. She hadn’t even gotten used to this one yet...
Word count: 3,186
Disclaimer: Until she’s Jossed, Twelve is mine-but of course based entirely on stuff that ain’t mine… All hail Auntie Beeb!
A/N: Although this fic does come in the middle of my Twelfth Doctor series, Girl In The Mirror, I will be cross posting each of the five entries here during the next five weeks since it features Ten/Rose. Even though this is technically chapter 12 in the GitM 'Verse, the fics I'll post here can stand alone. However, if you’re so inclined to read the rest of the series that this is a part of, links are provided. Also: Obviously some aspects have already been Jossed and should be considered AU...
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