Hey, I was wondering if any of you had seen yet
this clip of an unreleased scene from season 5 that takes place between "Flesh and Stone" and "The Vampires of Venice", and in which Amy realizes that there were other attractive young female companions before her on the TARDIS? I thought it was Relevant to Our Interests, especially since Rose makes a couple more "The Lodger"-esque cameos! ;)
Click to view
I was barely able to make her flashes out, it all happened so fast, but luckily
maggietimelord made some screencaps!
You can find these and the rest of the images labeled
here...Rose is the only New!Who companion to appear twice! :) (Maybe it's the same fan who did the sequence for The Lodger, lol? They seem to REALLY like Leela and Romana as well...). Does anyone remember where the hat scene comes from, if anywhere?
Anyway, what did you all think? I was a little annoyed at first at the Doctor saying they were just all "friends" only, though then given that he was also claiming that most weren't woman (or only *slightly* over 50% were, lol), and that only 1 or 2 at best were attractive, I guess it's clear he was just understating everything! :p