Title: Three Hour Tour (2/?)
amberfocusCharacters/Pairings: Nine/Rose
Genre: Action/Adventure, Romance, Smut
Rating: Adult, this part
jeprdyfrndlySummary: The Doctor and Rose are shipwrecked after taking a three hour tour.
A/N: Written for the
sistersofguh Doctor/Rose End of Summer Smut-a-thon. Probably a total of 3 chapters. Not work or school safe and mind the kiddies. Ch. 2 and 3 use the prompt by
housemaid79 which was: Nine/Rose: First time - Nine is not a sex god...and Rose not much more expert herself (and yet, in the end, a good time is had by all).
Ch. 2:
http://amberfocus.livejournal.com/378682.html Ch. 1: