Title: The Sleeping Gods
Author: Aenaria/
io_aenariaCharacter/Pairing: Ten/Rose, OCs.
Rating: PG
Summary: This was how Charlie and she had bonded, after all, over a shared love for Verity Newman’s ‘A Journal of Impossible Things’. Very AU. Sequel to Salva Nos, prior knowledge of that story is very necessary, which you can find
here. Part two and the follow up Five Nights can be found by clicking the 'dw fic' tag on my LJ.
Disclaimer: In my dreams...
Author's Notes: Okay, I'll be honest - I don't have much of an idea of where this is going. I've got ideas for what I want to do and where I want to take the story, but the plot itself is still nebulous and could change at any time. But I've been desperate to do a sequel to 'Salva Nos' for years, and I think I've finally found a good idea that I can have some fun with, even if the idea has generally been done before (you'll see what I mean). Comments and criticism are more than welcome, as this is currently rougher than rough. :)
The Sleeping Gods