Title: In Human Hands
vyctoriRating: PG13, AU towards the end of Season One; 9!Smith.
Disclaimer: Do not own.
Summary: Maybe he should talk to her about these dreams. It’s a thought, maybe even a decent one, but one he entertains only for a moment. There’s a limit to how much a person can confide at once. Any more than that, and then you’
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Comments 47
You know I'll be back once I've read this with a proper comment; I just had to let you know my excitement at seeing this literally knows no bounds.
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You know how it goes: there are people on the internet who are being wrong. And he is far too intelligent to let them go about it.
*sporfles* Oh, that is so the Doctor XD.
Just the other day I was thinking about how much I was craving the next installment to this, and was futilely refreshing my flist to see if it would somehow come up by sheer force of will. And of course this is incredible, as usual! I'm constantly being blown away by the atmosphere of Barcelona and that of the two of them, that which you write so well!
I so look forward to seeing how all this resolves, but at the same time, I never, ever want this fic and their gloriousness to end. ♥
Thank you so much!
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