Title: The Mettle of Merlin (22/30)
Characters/Pairing: 9, Rose, various character from legend
Rating: PG 13
Disclaimer: Not mine. I don't own Dr Who or Arthurian Legend. Sniff.
Spoilers: None
Author's Notes: A response to prompt 2 - Arthurian Times/Legend in the Hearts in Time Summer Adventure Ficathon.
All quotes at the beginning of the chapters are from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.
Summary: After World War III, the Doctor tries to make things - like refusing to do domestic with a mother who's not seen her daughter for twelve months - up to Rose. Predictably, things do not go according to plan. Unpredictably, the pair end up in a totally new kind of adventure. Not all quests are transparent and not all tests have simple answers.
Chapter Twenty-Two