Betrothal of Sontar scans and some new canon info?!

Nov 06, 2008 23:10

Got another book today (my Doctor/Rose-relevant book collection is ever increasing!) called The Betrothal of Sontar which is a collection of comics from the Doctor Who Adventures magazine featuring the Tenth Doctor and Rose (and one with Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart).

The book itself is really nice, has some pretty artwork on the cover and some great stories inside; one of my particular favourites is called The Lodger and has The Doctor living with Mickey for a few days!  I think I like that one a lot because it gives quite a bit of insight into how the Tenth Doctor is when he's Earthbound, which makes me giggle when I think of the half-human Doctor and Rose!  The Doctor puts his sonic screwdriver in the toothbrush cup, beats Mickey in a shooting game without firing a shot, and 'tweaks' Mickey's TV to receive transmissions from 10 years in the future!  He also hammers the local electronic pub quiz game with a pint in his hand, and joins Mickey and his mates for a football match; impressing all Mickey's mates by scoring a goal.  He doesn't do a half bad job of being an average Joe, even if he's still not quite average!

Then another comic is called Green Eyed Monster and is a complete and utter Doctor/Rose fanservice story where the Doctor has to intentionally make Rose jealous! He surrounds himself with beauitful women; has them point out that he and Rose are just friends as often as possible, and offers them the use of the TARDIS when they confess they like to rub themselves down with oil after a victory! *snigger*

That's not the worst of it either, there's some really crazy (read: disturbing) stuff going on with Jackie in that comic too... REALLY crazy!

I have Doctor Who-mad friends in real life, but none that share my Doctor/Rose love so I shall share this book with you guys instead! It's really maddening to have something really cool and no one to share it with; woe!

Hopefully you'll all go out and buy it then we can squee together? I can hope! I scanned 2 pages of the Green Eyed Monster story which features some of the funniest and shippiest dialogue. All centred around Rose being jealous and the Doctor simply making it worse at every turn. Rose even yells at him about Madame de Pompadour so thank God! There is finally justice... I hope she gave him hell over that debacle! His expression certainly suggests so!

At the end of the compilation there is information, sort of a 'commentary' written by each writer about their comics. The one who wrote Green Eyed Monster said that the comic started with Rose waking up in her room on the TARDIS, which Russell T. Davies objected to because he said--and this is canon now according to the writer of Green Eyed Monster--that the Doctor and Rose never sleep on the TARDIS. They travel in it, but don't sleep there. So, it would suggest that whenever they need to get some shut-eye, they pop to the nearest planet and take up residence. This was quite surprising to me since the TARDIS is impossibly huge inside, so why not sleep there? But there you go, the Lord and Master has spoken! I thought it would be a useful tidbit for fanfic writers who are obsessive about canon.

I can hear the cries of a million fanfic-world Doctors right now... 'No more midnight rendezvous in Rose's bedroom?! Noes!'

Anywho, the links to the scans are below... it's not the full comic of course and I know I left it at a bit which will drive you crazy, but I feel bad scanning these books when I know their sales can't be too high... so, I suppose I'm being a bit of a BBC books advertising whore? xD

Just to put it in context, Rose has 'somehow' landed on an intergalactic Jerry Springer/Tricia Goddard type-show--the tagline to the show is 'I haven't told her... I'm in love with an ALIEN!' xDDDD  Mickey appears and accuses Rose of planning to ditch him on Earth and running away with the Doctor.  Rose denies it, but the alien host uses a 'holo-imager' to replay the events Mickey is talking about, that's where the scans pick up!

scans and caps

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