Title: To Bring You Back
Characters/Pairing: 10/Rose, Mickey, Reinette
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, just playing ^-^
Spoilers: Only for GitF and before
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Sci-fi
Summary: The Doctor, Rose and Mickey visit a desert planet and discover a thing or two about the resourcefulness of the Manima… though with an addition to their group - Madam de Pompadour.
Rose may have waited five-and-a-half hours but that was nothing; when her life is in danger can she hold out? Can she hold on to life? “Delay them a bit, until the Doctor can get there”? Or, this time, will he be too late… Post GitF
Author's Notes: Updates will be weekly... and already I'm two days late... this will be fun ^-^ - oh and sorry for mislabelling the prologue as chapter one... has been fixed but no doubt will have confused and annoyed someone... besides myself ^-^