Title: You've Got to Hide Your Love Away (10/16)
Rating: I'm going with PG-13 but I'm not really good with ratings
Characters: Ten, Rose, Jack, Tosh, Ianto, Gwen, Owen, Pete, Jackie, Mickey, Jake, Martha, other characters
Spoilers: Anything up till the end of season three is fair game
Summary: The sequel to
Mrs. Jones You've Got a Lovely Daughter and part of my
Homesick In Heaven series.
Rose is back, has been for awhile now, and the Doctor is none the wiser. She's making a go of it and life is good...as good as it can be without him by her side. But what happens when forces beyond her control bring the two of them back together? What happens when the Doctor finds out she's been hiding from him all these months? Will Rose reveal her deepest, darkest secrets to him before it's too late?
Author's Note: Just a heads up: Chapter eleven, which is due on Sunday, may be a day or two late.
Story dedicated to Foalen on Teaspoon, with continued thanks to SnowFox3 on fanficton.net for her constant support and flawless beta'ing. Also lots of thanks and emoticon love to
sinecure for pushing me to write, fixing my overabundance of punctuation errors, and brainstorming with me until the wee hours of the morning. Without her, this story wouldn't be nearly as good as it is.
Chapter TenPrevious chapters on my journal ~~~