Title: In Human Hands
rallalon | Rall
vyctoriRating: PG, AU towards the end of Season One; 9!Smith.
Disclaimer: Do not own.
Summary: He laughs like he’s forgotten that tomorrow is Sunday, like tomorrow isn’t a void he’ll never fill. She laughs with him, laughs like he’s the man she wants to be with.
The Passenger )
Comments 77
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Great chapter as always. I like that things are coming to a head somewhat. She isn't just some girl he knows, now she is starting to mean something to him and he-human him- is starting to mean something to her. Wonderful.
There's a part of me that desperately wants to do that, but that would rather ruin the the episodes for me when I finally watch them with my family. (Don't you love playing Guess the Twist?)
the very next day someone on a gossip girl board spoiled me for the end of Doctor Who- you think people would have been safe there...sigh
Nowhere is safe. Nowhere. *paranoid over Who*
She isn't just some girl he knows, now she is starting to mean something to him and he-human him- is starting to mean something to her. Wonderful.
Thank you very much!
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