Title: Of All the Gods in Hell
Rating: All Ages
tenthtimeluckyPairing: Ten/Rose
Characters: Tenth Doctor, Rose Tyler, Hidden character
Warning: Angsty and uncomfortable. It's been bugging me all day, so I decided to inflict it on you. Contains no spoilers, only angsty speculation.
Disclaimer: If I owned it, I would already know what happens tonight. As it is, i'm counting down the hours to when I can find out.
Summary: Oh, he’d give up universes for her, he’d give up time and space, he’s proven that, a million times over; and yet he’s still tested like this. If he believed in God, he’d think he was in his own personal Hell, the two very things he wants most dangled just beyond his reach in a sick game. If he takes one he can never have the other.
Follow the Fake Cut for fic!)