Fic: Choices and Chances (2/11)

Jun 22, 2008 08:32

Title: Choices and Chances
Warnings: R. Oh, and it's baby!fic.
Spoilers: For the sake of this story, S4 never happens.

Part of the Crossroads series (links to previous chapters and parts will be found at the LJ link below)

Story Summary..... The Tardis can’t keep a secret, Sarah Jane can’t keep her mouth shut, Martha can’t believe she’s traveling through time and space again, and the Doctor still can’t land his ship accurately. All of which adds up to Rose desperately wanting to talk to her mother, except there’s this small matter of being held prisoner….Part Three of the Crossroads series.

Read Chapter Two: How it Happens at my LJ or on Teaspoon.

tenth doctor fic, fic, romance

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