Title: Of Discovery and Sacrifice (5/5)
Author: salienne
Characters: Doctor/Rose, Jack, various OC’s (I’d tell you which Doctor(s?), but that’d give a bit away :P)
Rating: PG
Beta: Thanks so much to
lunaserenade, who managed to beta this while taking care of a new Doctor kitty and Master kitty. All hail!
Disclaimer: Nope, I still don’t own Doctor Who. The amazing BBC and RTD and the actors and so on and so forth do. And they're amazing.
Spoilers: Through Doomsday
Summary: Post-Reunion. In an attempt to rediscover herself, Rose decides to leave the Doctor, but like all things, this decision is not without a cost.
A/N: Whew, here we are, the final part: the Reunion. Thanks so much to all of you who've been reading, and I hope this last part lives up to all your expectations. Any and all comments, from old and new readers alike, are welcome. Enjoy!
Fourteen years, ten months, and twenty-three days have passed since Rose last spoke to her Doctor, and the whir of the time rotor almost makes her weak at the knees.)
Previous Chapters:
Chapter 1 Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4 X-posted to