Title: The "Little Things" Series - Cocktails
neverwinterWord Count: 2039
Character/Pairing: Ten/Rose, Jackie Tyler & a mention of Mickey Smith/Trisha Delaney.
Rating: U - All ages
Summary: What do you get with banana cocktails and a Time Lord?
Disclaimer: Nope, don't own Doctor Who, but I do own my creativity!
Author's Notes: Crack!fic? Maybe slightly? On the Doctor's part sure. More like Drunk!fic. Anyway I've started up a challenge for myself to create ten original one off short stories of Ten/Rose. The stories will feature little things from everyday life. Nothing grand or spectacular you know? So if anyone has any ideas or something I'd be grateful for any suggestions and would credit you accordingly. I have three ideas, this one ("Cocktails") being one of them. The other two are "Bubblegum" and "Rain". So please tell me what you think about this story so I'll know to even bother with the rest and continue. Thank you. Oh yes, I suppose its set after "The Christmas Invasion".
Here is the
Fic List. If you have any suggestions I would be grateful if you commented in this entry. Thanks.
' He twirled again gaining a mischievous smirk from her. She wished she wasn’t so rational at that moment because it actually looked like fun.
She suppressed the urge to bark out laughing only to stop when the Doctor staggered plopping down on this bum. She rushed by him working his arm around her shoulders and with strength she didn’t know she had she helped him to his feet. “You alright?”
He winced but that lovely smile spread across his lips. “Rose my bum hurts.” ' ~