New Fic: Crazy Cat Lady (1/2)

Jul 08, 2007 12:09

Title: Crazy Cat Lady (1/2)
Author: RamblingRose / irishlullaby
Character/Pairing: Doctor/Rose, Donna
Rating: All Ages
Summary: It's almost three years since Rose has been on the parallel Earth. Three years in which she has acquired a few feline companions... One of which is more than he seems.
Disclaimer: Doctor Who and all affiliated characters are trademarks of the BBC. No profit is made to the author with use of these trademarked entities.
Author's Notes: Umm... I don't really know what to say other than this was brought on by the July Picture Prompt #3

( Rose put her attention on her fourth cat. He had no real name because, unlike the other three, due to the fact he never answered to anything. She watched him staring intensely at the windows, as if at any moment something horrible would be coming through it. )

humour, tenth doctor fic, fic

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