The Kiss That Changed Everything

Dec 28, 2006 15:21

Title: The Kiss That Changed Everything
Author: Me
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None I can think of
Pairings: Nine/Rose Ten/Rose
Spoilers: The Parting Of The Ways
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: An alternate ending to The Parting Of The Ways.
Rose looked into the heart of the TARDIS and travelled through time and space to save the Doctor, and in return he saved her life with a single kiss. But what happens when the Doctor fails to tell Rose about regeneration, and tries to carry on as normal? And what about Rose's feelings for the Doctor? Will she have to come to terms with the fact that the Doctor doesn't love her back, and what about the small matter of the entire time vortex which is pulsing through the Doctor's body? Is Rose in for a shock?

Rose hadn't had a good night's sleep for ages. Every time she closed her eyes, all she could see were Daleks swarming towards her. But this night was different. Tonight she and the Doctor were sleeping out under the stars. Lying next to him made her feel safe, like nothing in the world could harm her. She smiled to herself as she closed her eyes. Instead of Daleks, she dreamt of her Doctor. She woke early the next morning and just watched him sleep. She wanted him so badly. A hunger deep inside her, but she couldn't have him. Why couldn't she have him? He opened his eyes all too soon and found himself staring into hers. He remembered that kiss, that wonderful kiss. But she would never kiss him for real, he had convinced himself of that. He was over 880 years older than her, but that didn't changed the way he felt about her, his beautiful best friend. Could they ever be more than best friends?

"Morning." He said sleepily.

She smiled at him.

"Morning." She murmered.

The Doctor so badly wanted to reach out, take her head in his hands and kiss her, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it. 'What if she doesn't like me in that way?' he thought. 'What if I mess everything up and make her want to go home?' Neither of them knew what to say, so they both carried on looking at each other, propped up on an elbow, face-to-face.

"So." Said the Doctor, finally breaking the silence. "Do you want to stay here today or d'you fancy going somewhere else?"

Rose reached out and touched his arm.

"Let's stay here." She said, keeping her hand on his arm, he didn't seem to mind it.

The Doctor smiled at her, but this wasn't his usual goofy grin, he seemed to be smiling in a more humanly way, much more serious. The Doctor slowly moved his hand to touch Rose's cheek and fireworks erupted in her stomach. 'There's no way he'd do that if he just saw me as a friend' Rose thought, moving closer towards him. 'There's no way she'd do that if she just saw me as a friend' Thought the Doctor, copying Rose and moving shuffling closer towards her too.



"Kiss me."

The Doctor stared into her eyes for a moment.

"You sure?"

"Kiss me for the second time."

The Doctor finally realised why she had been acting strangely since their escape from the Game Station.

"You remember."

Rose nodded and the Doctor smiled in the same humanly way he had done before, before moving even closer to fill the gap that was still between them and kissing her lips as tenderly and lovingly as he had done in Rose's dreams.
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