Title: Only Time
happiefaeriePairing: None, mentions of Ten/Rose
Characters: Ten, Rose, mentions Jackie, Mickey, Pete and a couple of OCs.
Rating: G, angst
Word Count: 1,209
Spoilers: PostDoomsday. Originally a oneshot, now the first in a series.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. If I did, Rose wouldn't be in Pete's World. Period.
A/N: I wrote this awhile ago, but finally decided to post it here. Also posted at FF.net, Teaspoon and
Summary: She felt the wind roaring past her ears, her hair tugged back in the strong breeze, and she could close her eyes and feel the world slow. She could feel the spinning, churning of the Earth, the very air shuddering with the movement of time and she could imagine she was with the Doctor. She was here and he was over there, just a little bit, with that bemused look he so often got when he saw her see for the first time.
Rose never felt the passing of time anymore, not like she used to, and she wondered if she cared.)