(no subject)

Jul 30, 2006 22:54

Title: Hell On Both Earths (4/?)
Rating: 13 + (swear words and references to sex in a previous chapter)
Characters: Rose Tyler, Sarah-Jane Smith, Tenth Doctor, Jackie Tyler, Mickey Smith, Pete Tyler, and possibly a few OCs if story is continued
Notes: What if it ended differently? Spoilers for Doomsday (and most of Series 2, probably). Sorry it's taken a few days!

Part One
Part Two
Part Three

He refused to believe it.

No. It wasn't...this wasn't happening. He had to be lying. He was lying. Yes, that's it. Mickey Smith was a liar. Mickey Smith was lying. Mickey Smith was a...a fibber. A fibber. A liar.

And everyone knew what happened to fibbers and liars.

The Doctor grinned (and hoped it wasn't as obvious to Mickey as it was to him that the grin was fake. Very fake. Fake, fake, fakity fake), tapping Mickey's nose. "Careful there, Mick. You don't want your nose to grow now, do you?"


"You're lying. And lying's bad. Especially when the lie's about Rose," he paused, frowning for a moment, before chuckling. "Oh, hang on. She's put you up to this, hasn't she? Am I right? She's off hiding somewhere, she somehow managed to take the TARDIS with her, and she's told you to come and tell me this, is that right?" he laughed. Turning around towards the block of flats behind him, he began to shout. "Ha, ha. Very funny Rose. You can come out now! I'd like my TARDIS back!"

Mickey shook his head, grabbing the Doctor and turning him so they faced each other. "Look, she's gone! She's not here anymore! Doctor, I -"


"I -"

"No. You're lying. Call her."

Mickey frowned. "What?"

"Call her. Her mobile'll ring and we'll hear it, and I'll find her that way. And if she picks up, tell her that she's in trouble."


In between writing a novel, researching Torchwood, and helping Rose work out how the TARDIS worked, Sarah-Jane Smith quit her job, put her house on the market, and packed up her belongings. She'd told bosses and editors that she'd found a new purpose in life, friends she was travelling, and whatever family she had left she'd call them, sometime, and let them know how she was getting on.

She also brought K9, and Rose was surprised to find she felt rather glad about that.

Torchwood was still deserted, weeks later. For some reason, the power had gone out the previous Tuesday (and both of them laughed when it was suggested that it may have been down to something as domestic as an electricity bill), so whatever information they had on Torchwood from their computer system, that was all they could get. They began to focus on getting the TARDIS to work, making sure they knew how to input actual days and times, rather than the odd month or the odd year, and mechanics. It wasn't as if they could take the TARDIS into the nearest garage. If something was wrong, they'd have to fix it themselves.

In the basement of the Torchwood building, Rose Tyler and Sarah-Jane Smith sat, one on a stacked box and the other cross-legged on the floor, books piled up around then and torchlights shining on open pages. Sarah-Jane sighed. "You know, if he'd been less protective of this box of his, we would be fine?"

"Yeah. I mean, it's not as if we'd break anything."

"We'd probably be better drivers anyway."

"Probably," Rose nodded. She frowned at the torch in her hands, and glanced up towards Sarah-Jane. "Why are we out here again? There's more light in the TARDIS."

"I don't know."

"Whose idea was it?"

"I don't know," Sarah-Jane chuckled. She shook her head. "Anyway, I got an idea. You know how you said that Torchwood had a motto, erm..."

"'If it's alien, it's ours'," Rose chipped in. Sarah-Jane nodded. "Yeah, that. Well...they must have alien artefacts around here, surely."

"Loads of them. No idea where they are though. Why?"

"Why don't we find them?"

"Find -"

"This place is deserted and there's all these alien bits and bobs lying around," she shrugged. "I don't know...I guess I feel funny about leaving them lying around. We don't know what they are -"

"They might be useful."

"Exactly!" Sarah-Jane grinned. "So, what do you say?"

Rose sighed. "I say...we should have done this before the power went out," she smiled. "C'mon then. Grab your torch."


He heard laughter. Voices. Female voices. Two of them. And there was light. Torchlight, most probably. They were moving.

There couldn't be anyone alive here, surely? He frowned. The building was abandoned, had been for a few weeks now...


Oh, well. That was just...that was just great. Squatters. He had squatters. Not survivors. Not employees. Just a bunch of freakin' squatters. He sighed.

This was just fantastic.


"Why don't you have her number?" the Doctor frowned. Mickey sighed, and took his mobile away from him. "Look, like I told you, I wouldn't. Rose is gone, Doctor. She's back home, and this is the alternate Earth -"


"The one you brought me and Rose to, ages ago, remember? Parallel universe? Cybermen, Lumic...?"


"Yeah," Mickey nodded. The Doctor closed his eyes. "Cybermen. Daleks. The void."


"Rose is gone."

Mickey sighed. "Yeah."


"You know," Rose frowned, fingering her torch as they came to another door, "I could have sworn I heard footsteps."

Sarah-Jane shook her head. Moving her torch towards the sign on the door, she sighed, and glanced towards Rose. "Didn't hear a thing. Shall we try in here?"

Rose nodded, pushing open the door. She sighed. "Power would be great 'round about now. You'd think a place like this would have a back-up generator or something, in case they had a power cut."

"It would have been a bit useful, yeah."

"Why do they not think of these things? I mean, you never know when two people are gonna need electricity for when they start sneaking around the basement of a government building," she grinned. Sarah-Jane laughed, and shone her torch around the room. She frowned. "How are we going to know what's alien? We're just going to grab the strangest-looking things in here?"

"I guess -"

"Ladies, put your hands up in the air where I can see them."

They froze. Turning around to face the direction of the voice, their hands up, they squinted as a torch shone into their faces. The man stepped closer, lowering his gun, sighing. "Rose."

"Wha - Jack?"


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