My first proper post to the community and I feel incredibly special (but it could just be the fact that I'm also a bit nervous, so oh well). I come bearing my first fic of a fandom I've loved for years!
Title: Golden Glow
Character/Pairing: Doctor [Ten]/Rose
Rating: PG
Genre: General, futurefic, AUish (sortof), implied romance.
Word Count: 747
Spoilers: None directly, but pretty much all of Series One and whatnot.
Author's Notes: I have no real idea where this came from. It's my first foray into writing Who fanfiction and I have no idea why I wrote this. It's an odd little piece and so, comments and construstive crit. are welcome. It might be a little bit daft as, well, I'm exhausted and chuck this entire fic up to the song 'Forever Young' by Youth Group, which I listened to excessively while writing it.
a vision he never expected to see)