Fic: Carbon (1/9)

May 15, 2006 20:08

Title: Carbon
Authors: WMR (wendymr) & Gillian Taylor (dark_aegis)
Rating: PG
Characters: Ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler, & lots of familiar faces
Summary: He had to prepare her for the future. Prepare her to become his champion, his saviour. But how could he prepare her when he was broken? A Companion Story to padwanpooh's Facets through the Ninth Doctor's eyes.
Spoilers: Gallifrey Go Boom, all of Series One
Disclaimer: Don't own them. We just like playing with them...a lot.
Archive: Sure, just let us know.

A/N: Many thanks to padawanpooh for very generously allowing us to play in her universe and to nnwest for beta-reading.

Prologue: Everything Dies

( Chapter 1: Rose )

xposted everywhere: dark_aegis, time_and_chips, dwfiction

fic, ninth doctor

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