Title: Holiday
Author: Gillian Taylor
Rating: R
Characters: Tenth Doctor, Rose, Jack, Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart
Summary: She kissed him on the cheek and said cheerily, "We're doomed."
Series: Part of the Brigadier-verse (Stories in series:
A Brave New World,
Duty Calls, and
Spoilers: Christmas Invasion, Virgin New Adventures Novel "Blood Heat"
Disclaimer: Don't own them. I just like playing with them...a lot.
Archive: Sure, just let me know.
A/N: The rest of the Brig-verse and the VNA Blood Heat do not have to be read prior to reading this story. Thanks, as always, to my lovely betas
ponygirl72, &
wendymr for their encouragement and suggestions. This story is still being written, as such the number of chapters is morphing. Also, I will be posting at a rate about one every two days.
Chapter 1: Just a Nice Day OutChapter 2: One of those surprises (
Chapter 3: Another Fine Mess )
xposted everywhere: