Hi Everyone,
Long time lurker, first time poster here! I come bearing the first part of a very long series - the ABC of Doctor Who. It's Nine/Rose, Ten/Rose and fairly unlinear but I hope you all enjoy it. So, without further ado, here is Part One - A is for Autons. Oh, and if anyone is interested in beta-ing for me, I'd really appreciate it.
Title:A is for Autons
Author:musical_anarchy aka Laura
Pairing: Nine/Rose friendship in this chapter
Summary: The first time I met him I could feel power radiating from him.
Rating: G
Disclaimer: When I find a shop that sells real, live Doctor Who characters I'll be sure to let you know. Until then, I don't own them.
A is for Autons
The living plastic creatures that started it all. When he first grabbed my hand in the basement of Henrik’s I felt connected to him in a way I’d never felt with anyone before. Or after, come to think of it.
The first time I met him I could feel power radiating from him. Physical power as well as mental, but also a power that I couldn’t put my finger on until much later. He felt much older than he looked; like a man who had seen many things in his time, and not all of them good. I was scared. I was surrounded by a troupe of shop window dummies that seemed hell bent on my destruction and a strange man had just grabbed my hand. But what was really strange was that the moment I looked him in the eye I could feel some of my fear begin to evaporate. It was as if I knew everything was going to be okay because this man, this strange man with sticky-out ears and a funny nose was here. I was totally in awe of him.
The moment his hand left mine I felt the loss more keenly then I could possibly explain. I’d only met the guy five minutes ago. Hadn’t even met him really; didn’t know his name or anything about him and here I was mourning the loss of his hand in mine. He asked my name, said that he was ‘the Doctor’ and told me to run for my life. So I did. I ran straight home, just like he told me to. I figured that was the end of it. I never expected to see him again.
When, much to my surprise, I did meet him again I was determined to find out who he really was. I was consumed with the need to know more about him. I found myself falling easily into conversation with him, laughing and joking as he explained about the living plastic. As unbelievable as what he was saying was, when I looked at him I knew he was being absolutely truthful. But we weren’t getting any closer to who he was and what part he played in the whole thing. Finally, I just came out and asked him. I thought he was going to tell me as well. Instead he just took my hand and spoke of the turn of the world; of how he could feel it, before backing off. He said I should forget him. But it was too late for that. I was hooked.
The third time I met him I was overwhelmed by the need to be part of whatever it was he was doing. I didn’t understand what was going on. I didn’t understand him, his ship or half of what he was saying to me but I knew I wanted to be there with him. When he told me he was alien I accepted it without a second thought. And then we were off; running hand in hand along the Embankment, him attempting to save the world and me ending up saving his life. It was terrifying and wonderful and I’d never felt so alive.
But in the end it wasn’t awe or curiousity or a need to be with him that made me accept his offer. It was pride. When he said he was leaving part of me wanted to fall to my knees and beg him to let me come but before I could get the words out he was asking me himself. And I turned him down. Told him I had to look after Mickey. So he left. When he returned just ten seconds later and asked me again there was no way I could refuse him. Here was this amazingly powerful man, capable of traveling throughout space and time, and god only knows what else, and he was asking me, a 19 year-old shop girl, to join him. There were hundreds of planets out there, thousands of species, millions of potential companions. In the ten seconds he was gone he could easily have found someone else to travel with. But he came back for me. How could I say no to that?
And I’ve never stopped being proud. Proud that it’s me that he trusts, that he laughs with and talks to and shares the universe with. When trouble comes it’s my hand he reaches for, it’s my smile he matches as we run for our lives. As long as he wants me there, I’ll be proud to stand next to him. Rose Tyler, companion to the Doctor, last of the Time Lords.
Because despite how much I tease him for saying so, he really is impressive.