Mar 04, 2009 12:37
Im turning into a night owl again. This cant be good. Mornings I get up and get the kids out to school but often spend it in bed or just putzing around my bedroom. I should be up dressed and moving but I havent had the will to do much. On the other hand by 3-4 in afternoon Im ready to do everything when the rest of the world is beginning to slow down. I cant wait for the time to change and for the weather to be atleast not frigid. I havent been out of the house since Sunday. This cannot be good! I hate being unemployed. I have been looking but I cannot find anything that interests me. I wont go and just take any job because Im doing well on unemployment and it would be stupid to go to work for way less in a job I might hate then quit and my unemployment comp would be all screwed up. I cant take that chance right now.
I know this sounds self pitying but Im so tired of the daily struggle just to keep afloat anymore. I wanna run away.