Apr 20, 2007 11:22
So I'm not exactly known to be the most compassion person around and I'm not about to bring the tissue box each time I watch the news. HOWEVER, I understand that as members of society there is a certain amount of sympathy, or at least reverence that is required in the wake of terrible events. Therefore, I would like to pose that satirical comments, 'hilarious' analogies and other jokes within days of the tragic events at Virginia Tech are not in line with socially acceptable norms.
In the wake of the VT shootings many facts have been revealed about this killer. First of all, he was mentally unstable and clearly delusional as illustrated by the video he made and sent to NBC. Though previously institutionalized for stalking behaviour, this man clearly was not completely rehabilitated and continued to spiral downward. No where is this behaviour excusable and I am definitely not saying that if he were alive that he shouldn't be punished to the fullest extent of the law. But, what I would like to point out is that in no way were the students at VT directly responsible for this behaviour. Despite Cho Seung Hui's allegations, no one coerced him in any way into such deviant acts and therefore cannot be necessarily guilty. So those murdered in this extreme act of random violence are in no way at fault and should not be the victims of some effort at 'humour'.
The method I recommend for judging if your behaviour is appropriate is the good ol' tried and true method of putting yourself in someone else's shoes. I am assuming that these students were at the very minimum pursuing some sort of post secondary studies. Regardless of how well they were doing they were at least trying to make something of themselves, which is a lot more than can be said for many. They likely could not have predicted this act and likely did not feel 'ready'. Their death was certainly not something that they were taking lightly. As for their parents, they are likely grieving for their 20-something child who they didn't expect to lose so soon. They are probably at their lowest point, which isn't exactly captured in hilarious commentary. At little sympathy and respect for the dead is probably all that is required on society's part. Maybe they didn't deserve degrees but do they deserve you making light of their death?
Callousness has become the new apathy. Don't care? Mask it as callous humour and no one will be the wiser. But is this really beneficial to anyone? The basic respect that one human had for another is deteriorating and illustrated by the shootings at VT and the wise-crack responses made. All I'm asking is that a little consideration is put out there. That a little thought is put into our actions and words. And maybe it won't stop the next shooter or stop any wars but it may make us a little more humane, and maybe even civil.