Bruxelles furmeet V 2.0 - part1

Mar 29, 2008 18:37

Another overdue report ;)
One day I shall do my EF13 report too :P

So a few weeks back was a nicely organised weekend in Belgium.
Full of good stuff :)

I drove early Saturday to be in time there at 9am.
After dropping the different stuff I had take with me.

Here we head to the Cinquantenaire Park.
The time to gather with a bunch of fursuiters, other furries and non furries

As we were waiting to start on the parking lot and interacting, posing with people

there was this little girl I was interacting with, who then gave me his doggie plushie :)

how sweet :)

After this small cuteness attack break we are now ready to rock the park ;)
Some try at a fursuit totem ;)

Some fursuiters are armed with deadly weapons, no fair ;)

After this warming up, more action in the park :)

Stealing hats ;)

Stealing puppies

Tree fun

No football fun like last time though, the guys playing didn't want us at that moment ;)
we could have been persuasives if all suiters had invaded the football grass but, nah
didn't feel like it, their loss ;P

And then that's when I spot a girl on a bench, kinda sleeping ;)
we gather all around her, and when she opens her eyes
she was like
"am I dreaming ? ;)"
*g* that was really great.
She then asked if we could take a photo for her :)

and they have nice meerkat statues there ;)

We learnt later on, that we're not supposed to do that though
bad kat!

ET phone home !

*g* kinda funny the kid is doing the same :P

kids pulling tails, what you mean he's one of us ? ;)

Doggy fun

He was quite scared.

Group photo :)

New statues of the park

Unfortunately it had a bad end and a road kill

As we were getting ready to get out of suit,
I spot a tourist bus... ;)
A few seconds to gather the last bits of strenght for a homerun ;)

To the amazement of the tourists ;)

we should get paid for that ;)
More photos there:

To be continued....

brussels, fursuit

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