EF12 report :)

Sep 03, 2006 14:12

Monday 21st

Just preparing for the con.
Picking up SingleSpeedCheetah at the airport,
and more packing :)

Tuesday 22nd

Wake up early to drive to nurnberg,
in the process I succeed in twisting my ankle again
(yes the same one that I busted on the DDR at FF3)
We stop on the way in a pharmacy to get some stuff to put on it.
The drive goes well, we switch drivers between SSC, Yakeo and me, perfect :)

Arriving on site around 7pm.
It's the same site than last year
Nurnberg Castle :)

Meet up a few orgas on site, and Eisbaer.
With the help of Eisbaer we are able to book a room on the site,
thanks again for all the help !
Unpacking most all the stuff in the car, then
Heading up to the airport to pick Junkvist and Furfinn at 10pm, then heading back for a bit of sleep :)

Wednesday 23rd

Wandering around the city,
on the way we find a nice steiff bear standing plushie.
What was interesting is that the plushie was quite soft and floppy still :)
Junkvist goes to ask for the price, just to know ;)
the guy doesn't know but he says around $2k.
Not too bad, considering it could be turned into a nice fursuit quite easily :)

Then we head back on the con site for registration, it's about 2 hours after the beginning of the registration and no more line anymore :)
Then meeting people here and there + food :)
Then taking photos of fursuits wandering around in the evening :)

There we get a few nice new suits:

including one of the new Brokken one :

Nice hawthorn new suit:

And num8 ArendStudios new suit:

And Hhp ArendStudios new suit:

Thursday 24th

Fursuit outing in the morning
walking around in the castle area, taking photos, and interacting with kids and tourists there :)

On the way back we meet with Uncle Kage's parents :)

Thanks to everyone for following and taking the piccies, that put me upside down ;)

Many more piccies there

Fursuit games
In the afternoon we have the fursuit games.
Basically games for fursuiters to execute on stage.
Many nice ideas in there,
one of our game is to carry as many plushies as we can from one table to the other.
One of the suiters loading the other carrying them in one trip.

some of the games are not very visual unfortunately and the audience can't see much.
But all the others works well and are much fun :)
The judge seemed to have some vision problems just like us though ;)
*pokes Eisbaer* you were having most of the mikado pikes moving ! ;)
Very nice moves and mikado jumping in the air still :)

We lost against Eisbaer and Fjordwolf,
then starts the long wait..
not really knowing if there will be that filling up game scissor / paper/ rock thing..
or if we would be called back on stage or not at the end
(they had said that if the games were delayed, there would be no call back)

After some time we decide to go to the photoshot with Junkvist.

(yes that's not the same photoshot and not junkvist on the pic, but I don't have the photos yet)
Pegla grabs me in his arm on this photo,
I didn't even know it was , because I couldn't see anything in the dark with the light ;)

Then we go back to the fursuit lounge to check on the games.
Right when we arrive they are calling back people on stage woohoo, now that's timing ;))

Fursuit Dance
Weeehh, this year we get an extra dance on thursday :)
It unfortunately gets very delayed by the events before it.
It finally starts around 11:30 if I remember correctly..
Would be nice to get some music playing in some sort of small waiting room in the meantime until the dance really starts ;)

Music was ok, and still lots of fun :)

Note to people trying to take photos of the neon stuff:don't use flash ! ;)
use longer exposure or dim the flash + use the slow mode and combine both flash + long exposure.
like that or slightly longer exposed:

Otherwise all you'll see is a bunch of wires and metal structure ;)

Friday 25th

ParadeThen there was the parade in the afternoon.
Was quite nice, long wait before it starts, I was overheating,

so I just wandered around, going out and interacting with people.
It finally starts and fursuiters get out where I was waiting ;)

And no I didn't start a stable relation with aoitkisune ;)

There we get to see the 2nd Brokken suit finally shep_shepherd :)

Mystifur had borrowed my small stereo, to play music this year.
Really a nice idea, compared to the usuall bling bling squeek bling ;)
the cd tended to jump and reset sometime unfortunately ;)
but it still worked quite well :)

We go around the castle area, stopping from time to time to take photos and interact with people.

Getting occasionnally fursuiters in the front of the parade to move in rythm and clapping their paws on the music ;)

I think most of the suiters in the back were not even hearing the music in fact though ;)

Back to the castle, we eat somewhere I think,
then nothing much, no dance on friday *poot*
we would need one dance every night
even if it's just some music playing in one of the small rooms
kinda dead dog like party :)
would be nice.

Night outing
We go out in suit to get a few long exposure night shots
I had tried with SSC and pippin on the first day and it looked promising.
With junkvist as the photographer this time and the help of a tripod
we get quite nice photos :)

And coming soon to your nearest blockbuster,
The werewolf of Nurnberg :

That's lonefoxx really nice new werewolf suit

Saturday 26th

DDR and other games
DDR and other games in the morning,
guitar thingie to start...
would be good to know which games are when, as to not wait too long for DDR to start.
Would also be good to get a dedicated time slot for fursuit DDR (and indicate the time slot in the conbook) :)
That way we might get more suiters to play DDR.
I didn't see any others beside me in the morning / lunch.

Yes I need to drink from time to time too ;)
Thanks to Schnee for giving me the drink and Furfinn and Junkvist for helping and taking piccies and videos :)
I left in the afternoon for the fursuit outing in the city.

fursuit city outing
Just the time to get out of suit from the DDR and take a shower,
then switch suit for the fursuit outing at 2pm+
Once everyone has arrived we leave for the city,
taking many photos and interacting with people on the way .
Really great outing.

I think we scared the birds, watchout for birdpoo ;)

Now, see the kid in front on the picture ?
That kid is gonna follow us almost all the time around,
if you look at the photos sequentially from the city outing you can spot him in many :)
pulling or eating tails and such ;)

yes I know I'm light and fuzzy ;)

Eek, I think we have quite a few followers now ;)

look at the picture next to that one
it's like the line is never ended and getting lost in the horizon ;)

Then a few tourists buses

Then we try to play "how many suiters can you get to fit in a phontbooth"
But the others didn't want to follow *poot*

and no that was not me who farted !

well many more nice piccies there
Can't put them all here, the post is already very very picture intensive I'm afraid *g* ;)
I can make a few nice animated gifs from some of them even ;)

Ahhhhh finally one of my preferred moment :)
BBF dance !

The dance starts with varied music styles, regular and slower, rock, metal, dance..
and increases slowly the beat for more techno and faster music that I prefer :)
The dance was really incredible, the dance floor always crowded reflects how people loved it :)
The dance last up to 5:30 am
At that point there are still about 20-30 people around and even a few suiters / partial fursuits.

My camera battery died a bit before the end of the dance , too bad..
Aoikitsune is able to record a few seconds at a time before the battery dies again.
At that point the last chill out song ends, but people on the dance floor keeps singing and dancing !
walking around in circles :)
BBF puts back the music a bit

Aoi then switch to a new battery for the camera
and keep recording,
cheetah unplugs the amps and all ,
but people keeps singing, and BBF turns his headphones high to get some music playing still.
BBF puts his headphones on my fursuit head, weehhh I can hear very well the music :)
It goes like that still for quite some time,
cheetah unplugging all the equipment, turning off the light, but people keeping dance and singing ;)
Cheetah finally wins after a few minutes of the fog machine turned on *g* ;)

Thanks for such a great dance,
ouch my feet are still hurting and still have blisters.
Hmm not surprising.. dance from 11pm to almost - 6am ;))

Sunday 27th

well we are already sunday after the dance,
I get an hour of sleep, before the breakfast at 8am.
sleepily eating,
then seeing if we can stay on site in the same room.
weeehhh we can !
no need to hurry moving all our crap to another room :)

Group photo
It's still raining before the photoshot
the sky clears up , and it seems it's a go :)
I dress up in timduru for the shot.
some delay, then people head toward the crappy location from last year.
Trying to get Thalian to move them to a better location, but to no avail..
ah well, crappy location again this year, although the suggested location would have been much better imho.

See my EF feedback post for more info ;)

After the official photoshot ended, I try to get people to move to the better location,
but unfortunately only a small group follows.
We take a small private photoshot,
on the rocks since we are just a small group.

Later on we wander around the city,
Mrianti tells me that the DSS stream server that Yappy uses for funday pawpet show is down,
I connect through the open wifi spot on the grass in front of the castle to restart ;)


after dinner, heading back to the hostel,
time to find back my parking ticket which I can't find anymore :\
I have to head back to the parking to see what can be done with that
as I have to drive Junkvist and Furfinn back to the airport in the morning (4am)
Yakeo goes there with me.
After talking through the speaker with the guy,
it seems that there is an option directly in the machine for lost ticket.

It's weird, if you get a ticket for a few days,
it's 13euros PER DAY.
If you lose your ticket you just push the button on the machine,
it asks for 13 euros ONLY, and you get a ticket to get out ;)

So back to the hostel, sleeping one hour,
going back to the parking to get the car,
driving to the airport, back to the parking, walking back to the hostel,
sleeping one more hour, waking up, breakfast, walking back to the parking,
driving back to the hostel, packing the car, checking out, leaving , ahhhh

10 more hours drive, we stop at Aoi's parents place in the evening,
nice meal there,
then back home.
Unpacking the car and getting the suit out, then zzzZZZ a bit

The end ;)
SSC is leaving on saturday
And don't forget FursuitTV on saturday too ;))

Well, thanks to all the people who helped, took photos and videos.
And of course all EF staff visible or invisible for such a great con :)
And of course to all my friends for making these moments what they are :)

Videos to come soon..
just had to buy another 400GB HD as all my current ones are full..
damn I've so much video to unpile and DVDs to make..
EF10,EF11,EF12, FF2,FF3, FC2006, FTV ...
Yes they'll be coming soon or later, no worries,
just that I might not have much time to make them as complete as the FC2005 deluxe box for sure ;)

And I'm quite dead lately too ;)

eurofurence, ef12, fursuit

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