Writer's Block: 9/11

Sep 11, 2011 20:14

I was at work, in the Quality Lab of an automotive parts supplier.  I had a radio that I used to listen to the news about mid-morning every day.  I had been busy, so it was a little later than usual when I finally  returned to my desk and turned the radio on.  This was after the first tower had been hit - - they were still calling it an accident - - and then the reports came of a second plane hitting the other tower, and the damage to the Pentagon.  I don't think we got much work done that day - - I remember we listened to the radio for a couple of hours without moving, tuing into the various stations to catch their news breaks, and we kept the radio on the rest of the day once one of the stations gave over to a newfeed from ABC news.  Team leaders and workers would pop in from time to time to get an update or listen for a moment before they had to return to work.  I don't know why they didn't just send us home - - our production was pretty much shot for the day.  I just know I counted the minutes unitl I could get home and turn on the news to get the full story, instead of the bits and pieces we got over  the radio.

writer's block

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