It Is Complete....

Oct 29, 2010 00:39

Hey all. From now on I'm going to try and make more of my own costumes from scratch and in order to do that I need to get better at sewing, yes? Well, what better way than to make clothes for your friends creepy Japanese doll.

lol okay its not exactly the most ideal way to do it but its a good starting point and its actually harder to make clothes on such a small scale(all that fiddly hand stiching)

This is my first completed work and you can see my newbness shining through. The hem is wonky and the waistband is a little crooked but for someone with no sewing experience it's not bad. Especially as I added a underlining to give the skirt a nicer shape. I sewed the main panels by machine and everything else was done by hand. I was aiming for a strawberry lolita sort of thing but I think I failed terribly(the waistband was meant to be pure white but I bought the wrong ribbon and hand to use some that was lying around)

I know it looks bad but I'm proud of this. I experimented with some stitching on the bottom hem which came out really nice(you can barely see it!) so all I have to do is keep practicing!

Here's the finished product... beautifully modeled by a Dr Pepper bottle >.>
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