(no subject)

Dec 28, 2005 19:16

Memories of 2005...

The Year 2005:

[P E O P L E]
1. Good friends? Many.

2. Best boyfriend/girlfriend? Thom

3. Lost any friends? Sort of.

4. Gained any friends? Yes, a lot.

5. Met a new good friend? yes.

[P L A C E S]
1. Went out of the country? I think..when was it I went to Canada?

2. Moved? No

3. New school? yep, the main campus bitches. booyah.

4. How many times on an airplane? none

5. Road trips? once, twice.

[Y O U]

1. Have you changed? I've gotten smarter and more open. I've gotten nicer and more confident it would seem too, well, by the end of the year.

2. New look? I guess..I changed my hair color a few times. I think I've lost weight too. woo.

3. Any new addictions? No

4. Biggest conflict this year? the first month of my current love affair

5. Most depressed time this year? the day my dad freaked out and made life suck

[L O V E]

1. Did you fall in love? yes

2. Who was your summer love? mason

3. How many boyfriends/girlfriends this year? 2

4. Favorite date? Hm. I dunno. I liked going to the movies to see Rent with Thom and homecoming..but like, I don't remember any real offical dates.

[S E A S O N S]

1. Favorite Season? fall

2. Least favorite season? spring

3. Good birthday? yes it was, surprisingly.

4. Any snow this year? yep

5. Highest temperature? like 10000 degrees...or something. [how am I supposed to know?]

[F I N A L Q U E S T I O N S]

Snuck out - No, but I lied about who I was hanging out with at places.

Met a person who will change your life - yes

Kept your resolution- I didn't have one, so, no.

Had a first something - yeah I did. a couple.

Drank Alcohol- yes

Smoked weed/drugs- no

Did anything illegal- yes

Had a crush- yes

Liked someone who didn't like you- no

Lost a family member- no

Got bad grades- of course, of course.

Got suspended- nope

Got a myspace- yes

Learned an instrument- no

Started a band- well, no, but I'm a groupie in one my friends started. :)

Spent over 1 million dollars- most definitely. :)

Went streaking- nope

Done something you shouldn't have- haha I'm sure

Kept a secret- of course

Told a secret- many, but generally only my own secrets.

Done something you totally regret- yes

Changed your view on things- yeah

Ahh, memories. :)

Hope everyone had a good christmas, or whatever it is they celebrate. Mine was pretty sweet. Got some goodies.

Sorry my livejournal has like died. I've just like lost motivation to post anymore, but I still read my friends page. and I have a myspace if anyone cares, which I doubt, but you know, just in case.

Gotta motor. happy new year!!! --<3

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