Well, as I presumed. Today rocked pretty bad.
Thom came into my lunch today. Twas very, very fun. Rory gave me a lot of candy today for no apparent reason and this really nice guy in my math class gave me his hoodie to wear cause I was freezing. :)
David has memorized pretty much the entire script. I am so happy. SO happy. We ran lines today together with Natalie. It was so awesome. I am excited. We might actually have it all together by December 10th with school practice and after school practice. Props are due tomorrow.
Tomorrow should be a great day. I'm not doing anything in school really and then the show at 5:30! <3!!
I have to do my math homework though. 2-89 even. My math teacher had some sand in her vagina today. She's giving us a quiz tomorrow too. I don't know any of it. I haven't been paying any attention at all this week. I only have tests in 2 classes tomorrow. Schweet.
Okay. Survey time, before I'm off to do my math!
:x: name: Whitney
:x: shoe size: 7-8
:x: siblings: one brother, Nathan.
:x: jr.high: Shepherdstown Middle
:x: elementary: T.A. Lowery
:x: hometown: Shenandoah Jct
:x: favorite place: Shepherdstown
:x: favorite soda: cherry coke or valencia orange
:x: favorite food: pasta
:x: favorite book: Clockwork or Cat's Cradle. Looking forward to Requiem.
:x: favorite friends: I couldn't play favorites with my friends. Probably the old town gang
:x: bar or club: Club..but I'm only 15 so neither as of now.
:x: favorite fruit: any really..grapes, pears, strawberries, and bananas preferably.
:x: favorite song: I couldn't choose. Probably currently something from co & ca
:x: favorite milkshake: chocolate malt
:x: favorite color: green
:x: have a crush on someone: I'm dating someone.
:x: wish you could live somewhere else: yes..well..more like..with other people.
:x: think about suicide: I have like once or twice ever.
:x: think others find you attractive: I suppose. that's what I've been told.
:x: want more piercings: yes. I still very much so want that industrial and I've been considering getting my third hole in my ears done.
:x: last talked to: Allie and Susannah online, my mom in person.
:x: last thought of: My day, I was explaining it to Allie.
:x: last showered: Last night
:x: last did laundry: Never. I don't know how. Other people do it for me. haha.
:x: last watched anime: I don't watch anime
have you?
:x: ever had a friend die: no
:x: ever french kiss: most certainly.
:x: ever got beat up: nope
:x: ever hated someone: sure have.
do you think you are?
:x: pretty: sometimes
:x: funny: I like to think so
:x: friendly: I try but I doubt it
:x: ugly: sometimes
:x: lovable: I can be
:x: caring: I try but I doubt it. haha.
:x: girly: in some aspects.
:x: boyish: see last answer
person who last?
:x: slept in your bed: well, me, but I think company-wise Allie.
:x: saw you cry: Thom
:x: made you cry: my father
:x: you went to the movies with: I don't even remember. how sad.
:x: yelled at you: my mom
have you ever?
:x: said "i love you" and meant it?: yes, I do often.
:x: gone out in public in your pajamas?: yes. it's great fun. Going into sheets at like 2 in the morning in just your pajamas. heck yes.
:x: kept a secret from everyone?: yes
:x: cried during a movie?: once. ever. out of the thousand I've seen, only once.
:x: do you believe in love at first sight?: no
:x: do you want children one day & if so, how many?: maybe, one, two.
Okay. That's all for now. I need to go do homework and all that jazz.