mutatis mutandis

Jun 07, 2014 00:26

(oh my gosh lj looks so different now I got a shock)

Currently feeling extremely silly, Googling stock answers for questions that have infinite permutations of answers. It's so irrational but there's this gnawing feeling that makes me hungry for an answer, ANY answer. Today I was asked what I liked about myself/ what my defining trait is. It's perhaps apt to say that amongst the three brief things I said about myself, I said that I like how I'm "largely practical but whimsical when the occasion calls for it". THIS WHIMSICAL PART IS OVERTAKING ME RIGHT NOW and I'm not liking it. Feels like skating on ice again.

It's sickening how this part of me never goes away. I think I'm just happy+excited+afraid+insecure+impatient+impulsive, and now that I've typed out the litany of emotions, I can see that these are essentially my primary emotions and that's why this part of me is here. to. stay.


Sigh maybe 3 weeks later I'm just gonna read this post and release a very bitter laugh. 
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