MSI boards

Jan 20, 2003 14:11

On friday my MSI board blew 2 CAPS just before the voltige regulator and just below the Chipset.
I thought to myself *fucking POS*...... so after many many hours off research by myself and phill .. he thought to himself.. * you should just be able to replace the caps and it'll work fine....* i said i dun care its fucked as far as i'm concerned :) and with that we went to jaycar electronics in northbridge and bought 4 caps, 2 different types. 2200 Pecofarid i think and 4700 picofarid at 16v . the bigger one is overkill and the smaller one is smaller tan the original 2700 but the 2700 i think from memory was a lower Voltige so it shouldn't off mattered.

we got home, he unsoldered the fucked caps and put on the 2200 pecofarid ones... after that was done he smoke tested it... it worked, after extensive testing it revealed that it is more stable than ever before with better voltigages etc... so i was happy :)

Today we'll be fixing my parents m/b since its ours now as there bying a new one as i am aswell.

Who knows how long it'll last :/ seams to be ok so far =)

anyways i'm off to do more research,

chows :)


PS all motherboards were effected by the same type off caps due to a twianese company fuckn the design...
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