Heathens don't laugh (or sing)

Aug 03, 2011 12:18

More random bits from my research:

A supposedly “Cherokee” woman, in addressing the Cherokee Nation’s Great Council (1886) asked the tribal leaders if they knew that “benighted heathen never sing .... [and] the untutored savage never laughs?”

"It is a fact that no nation of people ever laugh except those who acknowledge the true God as their Lord." Martha G. Tunstall assured them.


Frances Willard was well educated and made a part of her living as a newspaper editor. She generally has good control of language. So what am I to make of her statement, made in the columns of The Union Signal, that a lunch companion (one among a talented group) was “a rarely interesting raconteur”? when I first read it, I assumed she meant “a rare, interesting raconteur” but maybe not. It could have been a typographical mistake (blame the typesetter) or a misreading of her sometimes atrocious handwriting. Or, perhaps she meant the guy was a blowhard.


News item from The Union SIgnal, March 17, 1887:

“The Maxin [sic] Machine gun, made for Stanley, weighs forty pounds, unmounted; its action is automatic, and its rate of firing from 600 to 700 shots a minute.”

That would be Stanley of Livingston fame.



"Mrs. Martha J. [sic] Tunstall, president of the Indian Territory W. C. T. U., and herself a Cherokee, has recently organized fifteen local unions, most of them consisting of both whites and reds."


From the wife of a preacher man (Tunstall again), 1887:

“The Indian women all favor temperance and also woman's suffrage. Perhaps you will be shocked with the idea of woman's suffrage, but it is right. If the Bible had said, ‘Man, you vote, and woman, you sit there and tend to your babies;’ but the Bible doesn't say so-men say so. The Bible only says, ‘Male and female created he them.’”
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